
relation between eps and value of firm

Financial Management

sir, i dont get it, why cant we just calculate the minimum cost of capital for the given alternatives,the option having the minimum cost of capital should maximise the firms value, right?why do we have to go for that option that maximizes eps?how can we say that maximising the eps of a firm will eventually lead to maximisation of value?? Video Details Financial Management Financial Decisions - Capital Structure 14. Capital Structure Decisions - Concept

aravind lalji

aravind lalji

CA Inter


04-May-24 08:08


Answers (1)

Best Answer

Having the least cost is one of the factors, but not only factor to result in the highest value. Also, as per few theories irrespective of capital structure, the overall cost & the value of the firm would remain constant. Hence trying to find the optimal capital structure from the benefit pov is another approach, where EPS is the ultimate benefit left out after addressing all the finance costs. Hence it is considered as a wealth indicator. Also for the firms which are traded in the market, EPS multiplied with PE ratio gives value of MPS which is also a wealth indicator.

aditya yanamandra

aditya yanamandra


04-May-24 13:29

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